3 Reasons Why You Might Be Angry at God and How Your State Of Belief Will Never Define Him.
Updated: Jun 30, 2022

What if everything is going amazing for you. Your finances are well balanced, your health is great, and you lack nothing. God is good.
But what if things weren't going so amazing. There are financial struggles. You've been dealing with a bad knee for too long. Or you can't seem to catch up in life. Is God good?
It’s easy to love and believe in God when everything is going right in life. But if there is an inconvenience or something goes wrong it changes things. Now, God doesn’t exist or He isn’t good anymore.
As sad as that is, this is the unfortunate perception of many people. Some will drop their faith because they don't understand what's going on. But it's during the storm or the wait where you should cling to God the most. Especially when nothing makes sense.
Why You Might Be Angry
There are many reasons why someone might be angry at God. But the most reasons are weak faith, unanswered prayers, an unknowing attack of the enemy, or the consequence of sin.
Whatever the reason may be, our anger will never be justified. If we’re feeling negative emotions toward God it’s because the issue is in us.
You have to take a leap of faith and trust God in all circumstances.
1. Weak in faith
The choices we make and how we react to trials in life speak a lot on the state of our strength. Whether we are weak or strong in it.
How deep are you rooted in your faith? Be so rooted that the winds, storms, and quakes in life cannot move you. You can be unshakable in your faith.
It may be easier said than done but it can be done. Cling to God, read the word daily. And believe in Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. Strengthen your faith.
If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all. -Isaiah 7:9
2. Unanswered prayers.
A lot of the time when we pray for something we want it answered now. We live in a world of instant gratification. But that is not who God is. If God were to give us everything we ask for, when we ask for it, we would be spoiled children. We would not grow. We would not learn. How are we to gain wisdom and patience otherwise?
Besides, sometimes we pray for the wrong thing or for the wrong reasons. Your prayers may seem unanswered because:
You're being impatient
Praying for the wrong reason (James 4:3)
Don't worry. God isn't ignoring you. He hears you. Whatever it is you've prayed for or are still praying for you have to be patient. We have to be still and let God work on our behalf. It's all in His timing. Always remember that.
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! -Psalm 27:14
3. Is it the enemy’s doing or your doing?
Ask yourself two things: is this the enemy’s doing or is it mine? It's possible the enemy may be attacking or you are experiencing the consequence of sin.
With all the bad that happens here on earth, people are so quick to turn on God and blame Him. We either forget or we have yet to acknowledge that we have an enemy. An enemy who only wants the worst for us. One who is like a thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
We should also put into consideration that our sins have consequences. God doesn’t necessarily punish us but disciplines and chastises us (Hebrews 12:6). You can’t live through life sinning and expect God to bless you. That's not how it works.
Keep in mind, God won't allow more than we can handle.
We Must Be Faithful
One of the most powerful examples of faithfulness to God is in 2 Samuel 12:16. “David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth on the ground.” Even though the child was still taken from David, he was not angry with God. Instead, he got up and went to worship Him.
David had accepted the consequence of his sin of adultery and murder. He couldn’t be angry with God because he was the one who made a mistake. It wouldn't have been justified anger.
God is faithful.
Even in our darkest moments, God doesn’t give up on us. He is faithful to humankind. In the book of Genesis, God said He regrets making human beings (6:6). How heavy is that? We hurt God. But He didn’t destroy or get rid of us. Instead, He made a way for us to still have life with Him and not die (thank you, Jesus).
What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them -Psalm 8:4
Read the whole Bible. It's filled with God's faithfulness.
Our Circumstances vs Who God Is
Whether good or bad, our circumstances do not parallel with who God is. He is good. He is real. And He is constant. He does not change. The negative situations we experience are not going to define God's state. It doesn’t matter how we may feel towards Him. It won’t change who He is.
Yes, bad things happen in this life. And no one is immune to heartache. The sad reality is that we live in a broken world.
Where in the Bible does it say life here on earth is going to be perfect? Jesus says in John 16:33, "in this world, you will have trouble.” But in Him, you can have peace.
At the end of the day, God only wants what is good for us. Our state of belief does not define God. God is the same whether we choose to not believe in Him or doubt his goodness. He works in His timing, not ours.
You can have many other reasons why you're mad at God, but it won't change who He is. He is always good.