How The Name of This Blog Came To Be.

How the Name “The Blameless Life” Came to Be
I want to share the story behind the name of this blog—a little insight into how God works in even the smallest ways, yet with such a powerful impact.
When it all began.
Back in late 2018, God placed a strong desire on my heart to start a blog (as mentioned on the About page). It became an off-and-on project over the next couple of years. I spent time gathering information and filling my mind with everything I could learn about blogging.
One of the key things I focused on was the blog name. My initial choice was “Heart of Valor.” It felt right at the time, and I had even set it up on the website I was working on and used it in email addresses. How did I come up with it? Honestly, I’m not entirely sure—I think I just liked how it sounded.
But then, I decided to Google the name to make sure it was available. To my surprise, there was a book and an organization already using it. That was a hard no, but looking back, it was a blessing in disguise.
When God began preparing me.
Around that time, I decided to flip through old journal entries for inspiration. And it didn’t take long before I stumbled upon something that changed everything.
In hindsight, I can see that God was preparing me long before I even realized what He had planned for me.
One particular entry caught my attention. It was from 2017, and I had woken up that morning with a song playing in my head—Blameless by Dara Maclean.
(That’s not the direct reason for the name, but stay with me.)
I hadn’t heard that song in years, and yet, there it was, stuck in my head that morning. I prayed and immediately opened my Bible, diving into Psalms 101. As I read verse 2, it struck me: “I ponder the way that is blameless.” The very song I woke up to was connected to this verse!
Here’s a snippet from my journal entry that day:
“As I awoke this morning, God put a song in me called ‘Blameless,’ knowing I would read about it. ‘We believe we’re everything you say we are.’ God called me blameless, and I believe it. I may doubt myself—my faults, my mistakes—but God says I’m blameless. I will walk with integrity. I will do what is good in God’s name.”
After reading this, I knew the word "blameless" was meant to be part of the blog name. I considered several ideas, such as “The Blameless Path,” “The Blameless Walk,” and “Living Blamelessly.”
God works ahead for us.
Eventually, I felt confident that “The Blameless Life” was the right name. But just to be sure, I Googled it—and found nothing! That was a sign. I’m certain the name for the blog was just for me.
Ever since I settled on the name, I’ve realized how often the word "blameless" appears throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. I had never noticed it before, but now it’s appears often.
So, this is how the name for this blog came to be. To me, it’s a small but powerful example of how God works ahead of time—long before we know what He has in store for us.
If you haven’t read the previous blog post on what it means to be blameless, you can click here.