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What A Christian Testimony Is and 4 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Share Your Unique Story.

The Blameless Life

Updated: Apr 25, 2022

How often do you share your testimony? A couple of times a week? Can’t remember the last time you did? You should be sharing often. I’ll tell you why in a bit. But first, let me give you a scenario.

Imagine you overhear someone complain about having to deal with back pain for many years. The medications are not working and neither is therapy. You don’t know this person but you can tell they are desperate for relief.

They don’t know about you or that you’ve dealt with a very similar issue in the past. You’ve been set free from it because of your faith. You know it was possible for you and it’s possible for them.

But you don’t tell them that. You don’t say anything. Now you’ve missed the opportunity to give someone hope and to glorify God.

What if you did say something? It could have gone a little like this…

“Hey, I apologize for eavesdropping. I’m sorry to hear about your pain. I used to have the same issue but I don’t anymore. How?” And that’s when you share your story. Yes, it’s that easy.

The definition of a Christian testimony

First, let’s look at the meaning of what a testimony is. According to the snippet on Google…

Testimony- a spoken statement; evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something; a public account of a religious experience or conversion.

Your testimony is your story. It is unique and one of a kind. Not one is greater than another. And they are all uniquely powerful. There are countless testimonies out there (go on YouTube and you'll see). But they all have one common theme: the merciful goodness of God.

A typical story is going to be one of two things: 1) a recount of what life was like before Jesus and how your life changed after salvation or 2) a telling of something God has done in one’s life post-salvation.

Our lives should have a radical change when we accept Jesus but things don’t stop there. There are trials to overcome and miracles to experience and stories to tell from them.

You yourself are evidence and proof of God’s mercy. And as evidence or witnesses of this, you are to share it with others.

Why it is important to share your story

A few reasons why it’s important:

1. Transparency- lack of secrets gives one freedom. The enemy can’t hold anything over you if you’re not hiding anything. You also gain trust, respect, and bravery for sharing.

2. Hope- you’ve experienced and overcame a battle someone may be dealing with at present. Sharing means someone can look up to you as an example. You are a resource to them.

3. Strengthen your faith- you keep your story alive by remembering what God did for you. Some people get energized in their faith when talking about God and His work.

4. Glorify God- God is honored and praised in our stories. You recount how good and merciful He is.

Examples from Scripture

Luke 8:39, “ ‘Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.’ And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.”

Luke 12:8, “And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God…”

Psalm 66:16, “Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.”

1 John 5:10, “Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself.”

Don’t be afraid

It can be a frightening thing to do for some who’ve never shared their testimony before. But you’ll be glad you did it. I’ve never heard of anyone regret sharing. Your story represents hope. It represents hope in Jesus. Don’t be afraid to share.


In a few sentences, feel free to share a bit of your story in the comment section below. Give someone a little encouragement today.


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Hey there, I'm Brisa- the creator of The Blameless Life. One of the reasons I made this blog site is because I've always looked for a certain type of faith-based blog. I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I made that blog myself. God laid it on my heart for some time and it has become a reality. I hope it will encourage you.

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