What The Bible Says To Do With Your Freedom

Does the Bible speak on what we ought to do with our freedom? Yes. Yes, it does. Only it doesn’t refer to the freedom of citizenship or national residency but the freedom we have in Christ. And the freedom of choice.
Not only does God set us free He gives us the liberty to make our own choices. But there are pros and cons to this.
Because of this freedom, we can choose to do good the same as how we choose to do bad. This is the effect of free will. But we know that freedom in Christ gives way for us to obey God and choose to do good.
Two Kinds of Freedom
Free Will
Everyone has free will, believers and non-believers alike. God never forces us into anything, ever. You have the freedom to do whatever you want. But there is a downside. You can do anything you want, but not everything is going to be beneficial (1 Corinthians 6:12).
And because you are human, the flesh part of you is going to choose to do things according to the flesh. Whether intentional or not you are prone to choosing sin. But there is hope in Jesus.
Freedom Through Christ
Galatians 5:13 says there is a calling to be free. And this is what you're called to be. This can only be through Jesus. He became sin and died on the cross. He paid the price so you don’t have to. He rose and defeated death so you can have life in Him. You are free. Free from the chains and bondages of sin. No longer a slave to it. So what do you do knowing this information?
What To Do With Your Freedom
According to the Bible, you ought to use your freedom as an opportunity to serve one another in love. This is also mentioned in Galatians five. We serve by doing good deeds for one another. Helping each other, being there, and above all, praying for each other. Honor and respect could also add to serving.
Another thing on freedom the Bible mentions in 1 Peter 2:16. It says to not use your freedom to "cover-up for evil" but live as servants of God. As mentioned before, you can choose to do bad the same as you can do good. By choosing good over evil you are not only honoring God, but you are also serving Him. And we know choosing to do bad will always catch up to us. There will always be consequences.
What ties the previous two Bible verses together is one key thing, which is to serve. Serving God and others is what we are to do with our freedom.
Always Choose to Serve
Choose love above everything else. Choose to do good. Thanks to Jesus you are no longer a slave to sin but a servant of God. And with that comes great freedom. You have the freedom to do whatever you want. So choose to serve. You will always end up on the right side of things.